Hey everyone!
I'm new to the blogging world, and this is also my first MST, but I'm hoping it'll come out okay. Well, a while ago I ran into this site by a guy named Toobis, a Canadian narcissist who knows how to piss off all the right people - women, army vets, otaku, Americans, gays, blacks, Jews and perhaps anything that has a pulse. In short, an asshole. He no longer updates his site, so it can be assumed he was murdered by a lesbian ex-Marine mother of two who happened to know about three martial arts. We highly commend you, whoever you are.
So, due to an obsession with train-wrecks, I got kind of hooked on reading his garbage that he believes is "changing the world" somehow - and don't get me wrong, there are moments when this guy's neurons come together and he spouts an intelligent thought. It's not very often though.
That being said, I hope you enjoy my smartass commentaries of his "Thoughts and Ponderings".
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